How to cancel your StreamLocator subscription
Quick navigation
- How to cancel your StreamLocator Hub subscription
- How to cancel your StreamLocator Fire TV app subscription
- How to cancel your StreamLocator Android app subscription
StreamLocator Hub subscription
You can set your subscription for cancellation by visiting your account page like so:
- Visit and login to your account
- Select the portrait at the top right where your name or email are displayed, then select Billing
- On the new page that opens, select the white rectangle where the subscription info is displayed
- Select Cancel Subscription
- After confirming, your subscription will be set for cancellation and will be cancelled at the end of your current billing period - you'll also receive an email confirmation when the cancellation is finalized on that date.
StreamLocator Fire TV app subscription
If you are still in trial:
If you've not gone through the checkout process either via our checkout system or Amazon's that means you're still on your trial - since our 7 day trial is completely free, we do not collect payment info or create a subscription for you at any point unless you decide to pay for a subscription - in this case, there's no subscription to cancel and the app will automatically deactivate at the end of the trial.
If you have subscribed before, please determine if you've gone through checkout via Amazon OR via StreamLocator's checkout system.
If you've subscribed via the Amazon checkout option:
Amazon subscription are handled by Amazon and can be adjusted on your Amazon account's subscriptions page.
To cancel your subscription via Amazon, follow these steps:
- Visit your Amazon marketplace (,, and etc.) and login to the Amazon account you Fire TV device is associated to.
- Hover over Account & Lists at the top navigation menu
- Select Memberships & Subscriptions
- Next to StreamLocator, select Manage Subscription
- Then, under Advanced Controls, select Go to My App subscription settings
- On the next page, next to StreamLocator, select the Actions button and select Turn off auto-renewal
If you've subscribed via the StreamLocator checkout option:
You can schedule your subscription for cancellation like so:
- Visit and login to your account
- Select the portrait at the top right where your name or email are displayed
- Then, select Billing & Subscription
- Scroll down and under Subscription, select Manage (cog-wheel icon), then select Cancel subscription.
- After confirming, your subscription will be set for cancellation and will be cancelled at the end of your current billing period - you'll also receive an email confirmation when the cancellation is finalized on that date.
StreamLocator Android app subscription:
Android subscriptions are handled by the Google Play store and can be cancelled in your Google Play account like so:
Cancel using the Google cancellation wizard:
- Visit this link to access the cancellation help wizard
- Follow the instructions on screen
Cancel Manually:
- On your Android phone or tablet, open the Google Play Store
- Check if you’re signed in to the correct Google Account
- Tap Menu
-> Subscriptions
- Select StreamLocator from the list
- Tap Cancel subscription
- Follow the instructions on screen